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Why turn on the electric vehicle power, the meter does not show?

Editer:   Time: 2020-10-26  Reading times: 880

Turn on the electric vehicle power, the meter does not show, why? Today I'd like to give you an analysis. In fact, there are generally four reasons for this.

1、 The power switch is damaged, which causes the instrument to be unable to power on normally

If the power switch has poor contact, or has been damaged, then the electric vehicle instrument is unable to power on normally. In this case, it is generally necessary to check and repair the poor contact of the power connection line. If it still cannot be solved, a new power switch should be replaced.

2、 The fuse is blown and the power supply is not normal

Under some abnormal conditions, the electric vehicle may have the fuse blown out, which will lead to the failure of normal power supply to the instrument, so that the instrument does not display. In this case, the fault can be solved by replacing the fuse.

3、 Poor contact of battery connection leads to unstable power supply

Sometimes some users will find that the electric vehicle meter will display for a while, but not for a while. In fact, this is caused by poor contact of battery connecting wire. Because the poor contact of the connecting wire will make the battery power supply unstable, there will be no display. For this problem, it is necessary to check whether the connecting wire is loose and re connect it.

4、 The fuse is not turned on, resulting in the instrument not showing

At present, the new national standard requires that the charging line and battery output should be equipped with fuses or circuit breakers, and sometimes the electric vehicle meter does not display, precisely because the fuse is not turned on. In this case, the solution is very simple, reopening can solve the problem.

In short, the electric vehicle turns on the power supply, the meter does not display, is generally caused by these four reasons. For electric vehicle users, this is just a small fault, we do not have to worry, as long as we find the right reason, we can quickly repair. However, in daily use, it is also necessary to strengthen the maintenance of electric vehicles, so as to minimize the probability of such problems.